Super Tuesday Blowout

Voters in 16 states and one territory headed to the polls in the largest contest so far in the 2024 presidential primary. One state, Alaska, held only a Republican contest. And Iowa and American Samoa held only Democratic contests. These states and territory were Alabama, Alaska, American Samoa, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North […]

Crazy-eyed Colorado Sec of State melts down following embarrassing 9-0 thrashing!

The rabid Trump-hating Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold reacted badly to the Supreme Court’s unanimous decision to put Trump back on the Colorado ballot. On Monday, the Supreme Court said the states lack the power to enforce Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution against Presidential candidates. “For the reasons given, responsibility […]

Google launches leftist AI image generator – world laughs, then realizes grim truth

Gemini, Google’s most recent venture into the realm of artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots, has adopted weirdly woke positions on an array of subjects, prompting ridicule from the world of social media, and posing bigger questions about the world’s biggest search engine.  The Gemini AI feature has been criticized for being “woke” due to its apparent […]

Like it or not we’re in the Ukraine war thanks to these CIA bases

The CIA has established 12 secret spy bases in Ukraine along the Russian border over the past decade, according to a recent report by The New York Times. These bases, which are almost entirely financed by the CIA and partially equipped by U.S. spooks, have been used to gather intelligence on Russian activities and to […]

Truckers for Trump pose problems for looters

Truckers vow to stop deliveries to New York City in protest of NY Judge Arthur Engoron’s ruling against former President Donald Trump. No advice has been given by the NY authorities regarding stocking up, or where to loot. The current situation in New York City is tense as Truckers for Trump have announced a boycott, […]

Does this judicial finagle open path for Obama’s 4th term?

Does Special Counsel Report + Calls for Dem SCOTUS Retirements = Michelle Obama for President?  A few headlines rang the news that some on the left are targeting Supreme Court Justice Sonya Sotomayor in a campaign to pressure her to resign from the Court now, while a Democrat still sits in the White House.   Citing fear […]

Bidenomics CAUSED Shrinkflation, Joe!

Shrinkflation: Reduction of quantity/quality of a good without corresponding price reduction In economics, shrinkflation, also known as the grocery shrink ray, deflation, or package downsizing, is the process of items shrinking in size or quantity, or even sometimes reformulating or reducing quality, while their prices remain the same. The word is a portmanteau of the words […]

Wow, Egypt really doesn’t want Palestine’s refugees

Have you asked yourself by the Arab countries won’t take Palestinians? Is it because they know they “can’t vet them” and they don’t want “Hamas in their neighborhood”? Is it because keeping the region destabilized and focussed on Israeli violence has worked so well for their geopolitics? Or because it ties up busybodies like NATO […]