Category Archives: Politics

Winsome Sears, Virginia’s Next Lieutenant Governor, Makes History as First Black Woman to Win Statewide

Winsome Sears is a former U.S. Marine, former member of the Virginia General Assembly, and [...]

Vaccine Mandates Decimating Police Forces Across US

As crime rates surge, so are vaccine mandates—and resistance by police to those mandates. That means [...]

Congressional Gerrymandering – Why Republicans Should Worry

Every 10 years, a nationwide census is taken to determine how many people are currently [...]

REVEALED: Pfizer Lobbying Hits Decade High as DOZENS of High-Profile Political Appointees Become Big Pharma Reps.

Our tax dollars funded the Wuhan lab that created COVID-19. They also funded the salaries [...]

Has Biden lost his mandate to govern?

Biden is learning the limits of what can be achieved simply on a partisan basis [...]

Kamala Harris is so bad she’s had to call in advisors to boost her popularity

Kamala Harris’ poll numbers are dropping like a stone. So rather than fix her behavior [...]

Health Policy Changes in Democrats’ Spending Bill Would Reduce Patients’ Choices, Raise Taxpayer Costs

The left’s health policy strategy is simple: Step by step, centralize government control over larger chunks of [...]


by Bob Barr Recently disclosed actions by Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Mark Milley [...]

Biden-Harris Act to Prevent Truth of State of Southern Border from Spreading

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) instituted a two-week flight restriction over the city of Del [...]