Author Archives: Kelly McCarthy

Beware the Voice Thieves: New and convincing scam aimed at parents and grandparents

Watch this video. It’s real and it’s scary. By voice cloning, criminals can talk money [...]

Elon calls out Zuckerberg on Election Bias

Elon: “My understanding is that Zuckerberg spent $400 million in the last election nominally in [...]

Van Susteren went to Colombia, Darién Gap bottleneck. Shocking Video Report.

Greta went to Colombia, the staging ground for migration through the Darien Gap and found [...]

Congresswoman drops bomb on Biden Family

There is now more evidence that it was not just Hunter Biden who was linked [...]

BARR: To Stop Targeted School Shootings Focus On This

It takes just two words to drive liberals to their corner and conservatives to theirs: [...]

Lock him up! One law for me but not for thee

It’s obvious that we have a two-tiered justice system. It’s Stalinesque. It should be that [...]

Tom Massie: The smartest man in Congress

A simple demonstration using iced tea reveals how printing currency erodes the value of a [...]

Facebook didn’t like this Branco Cartoon

Tony Branco was punished for sharing his own work – commissioned by us here at [...]

Fentanyl, an open border, and teenage deaths

Teen overdose deaths have doubled in three years, an alarming trend amid a historic decline [...]

What’s going on at the Border?

According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection, 4,366 Chinese nationals have been encountered illegally crossing [...]