Why is Biden throwing Israel under the bus?

Despite the traditional support from American Jewish voters for his party, and despite the US’s long-standing friendly relationship with the only democracy in the Middle East, Joe Biden – or whomever is operating him – has reneged on the billion dollar promise to send assistance to Israel.

AF Branco – Schmuck Move

In the media, Biden has been called a ‘bait-and-switch’ trickster for delaying munitions, choosing Muslim votes over assisting our regional ally, Israel. Remember, in April Biden signed a bitterly divisive $95 billion foreign aid package which included $60 billion for Ukraine in its everlasting war with Russia. Some have challenged him with now sending that money and arms from the $26 billion allocation for Israel to Ukraine instead.

Biden has been trying to play both sides. Remember, Michigan, now a very Muslim state, is central to his presidential ambitions. He has made several policy changes and efforts to appeal to the Muslim community and potentially attract their vote in the upcoming November elections. These changes include:

  1. Re-Engagement with Iran: Biden’s decision to re-engage with Iran, particularly in terms of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), has been met with significant criticism from those who believe it undermines Israel’s security. Critics argue that Iran’s nuclear ambitions and support for terrorist groups pose an existential threat to Israel. However, this move could be seen as an attempt to improve relations with Iran and potentially appeal to Muslim voters who support a diplomatic approach to international relations.
  2. Criticism of Israeli Settlements: The Biden administration has been critical of Israeli settlements in the West Bank, which it considers to be an obstacle to peace. This stance is a departure from the previous administration’s more supportive stance on Israeli settlements and could be seen as an attempt to appeal to Muslim voters who view the settlements as illegal and a barrier to peace.
  3. Support for a Two-State Solution: Biden has reiterated his support for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This position is in line with previous administrations and is generally supported by the international community. It could be seen as an attempt to appeal to Muslim voters who support a peaceful resolution to the conflict.
  4. Rejection of “Muslim Ban”: Biden has distanced himself from the Trump administration’s “Muslim ban,” which restricted travel from several Muslim-majority countries. This could be seen as an attempt to appeal to Muslim voters who were alienated by the previous administration’s policies.
  5. Condemnation of Human Rights Violations: Biden has been vocal in condemning human rights violations against Muslims, including those committed by the Chinese government against Uyghur Muslims.

These policy changes and statements demonstrate Biden’s efforts to appeal to the Muslim community and potentially attract their vote in the upcoming November presidential election. However, it’s worth noting that the effectiveness of these changes in attracting the Muslim vote is uncertain, and there are criticisms and concerns from various groups about the impact of these policies.

An idiot speaks